Learn Korean 48

Two different ways to say 'year' in Korean : 해(hae) 년(nyeon)

해(hae) and 년(nyeon) both stands 'year'. While 해(hae) is original Korean, 년(nyeon) is sino-Korean word (Chinese originated) - 年. Therefore, 해(hae) is used with original Korean words and 년(nyeon) is used with sino-Korean words. Examples □ this year: 올해 ol-hae □ new year: 새해 sae-hae □ They were born in the same year. - 그들은 같은 해에 태어났다. - geudeureun gateun hae-e tae-eonatta. □ for two years: 이 년 동안 y..

Basic Lessons 2018.04.10

Ganjang-gejang 간장게장 (Raw crabs marinated in soy sauce)

간장게장은 익히지 않은 게를 간장 양념한 음식입니다. 게살의 부드러움과 단 맛을 즐길 수 있고, 짭짤한 간장 양념 덕에 한국인의 주식인 밥과 함께 반찬으로 먹으면 맛있어서 계속 먹게 된다고 해서 '밥도둑'이라는 별명이 있습니다. 해산물과 간장의 풍미를 좋아한다면 분명 맛있을 거예요. Ganjang-gejang is a raw crab marinated in soy sauce. You can enjoy the tenderness and sweetness of a raw crab with savory soy sauce, which tastes great with Korean's staple, cooked rice. It's nickname is 'Bab doduk', of which literal meani..

with Images/Cuisine 2018.02.12

Haemulpajeon 해물파전 (Seafood scallion pancake)

해물파전은 한국식 팬케이크인 전의 일종입니다. 전은 반죽과 채소, 김치나 해물, 고기 같은 다른 주 재료들로 만듭니다. 해물파전의 주재료는 해물과 파입니다. Haemulpajeon is a kind of jeon, Korean style pancake. Jeon is made from batter with other key ingrediants (vegetables, kimchi, seafood or meat). Main ingrediants of Haemulpajeon are seafood and scallion; Haemul(해물) means seafood and Pa(파) means scallion in Korean. 저는 바삭한 반죽과 해물의 진한 맛이 있는 해물파전을 좋아합니다. 저를 포함한 많..

with Images/Cuisine 2017.04.24

Money-related Words and Conversation Practice

Last time, we looked at how to count Korean money and the South Korean currency, won. This time, let's check out money-related words and practice counting money in Korean. Here are some basic money-related words in Korean. English Korean money 돈 don change 거스름돈 geo-seu-reum-don note, bill 지폐 ji-pye dollar 달러 dal-leo coin 동전 dong-jeon price 가격 ga-gyeog cash 현금 hyeon-geum card 카드 ka-deu to be expe..

Basic Lessons 2017.03.17

How to count money in Korean and Learn about South Korean Currency

We have been practicing Korean number system in the earlier posts. This time, let's see how to count South Korean money. South Korean currency South Korean currency is ' won, 원 '. And the symbol of it is '₩' 지폐 jipye 동전 dong-jeon There are four different notes (지폐) and four different coins (동전) . resource: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Currency_South_Korea.jpg The notes are □ 1000won =..

Basic Lessons 2017.03.16

How to tell time in Korean 2 (for minutes and seconds) 한국어로 시간을 말하는 방법 (몇 분, 몇 초 인지 말하기)

On the last post, we take a look at how to tell the time in Korean, but it was only about for hours. Let's continue to see how to tell the time in Korean; this time, for minutes and seconds. There are two different types of number system in Korean language and when you tell time in Korean two types are both used. Unlike for hours, Chinese-oriented system(Sino-Korean) is used for minutes. A count..

Basic Lessons 2017.03.01

How to tell time in Korean 1 (for hours) 한국어로 시간을 말하는 방법 (몇 시인지 말하기)

Let's learn how to tell time in Korean! As I mentioned in earlier posts, there are two different types of number system in Korean language. And for hours, Native Korean system is used. Moreover, a counter word '시 (shi)' is needed after the number is used. Time English Korean 1:00 1 o’clock 한 시 (hahn-shi) 2:00 2 o’clock 두 시 (doo-shi) 3:00 3 o’clock 세 시 (seh-shi) 4:00 4 o’clock 네 시 (neh-shi) 5:00 ..

Basic Lessons 2017.02.24

How to count in Korean : Cardinal Numbers in Korean (100 ~) 한국어로 숫자 세는 법 (100이상의 수)

Earlier posts You can check how to count in Korean from 0 to 99 from my earlier posts. □ from 0 to 10 □ from 10 to 99 Two different ways to count cardinal numbers As I mentioned in earlier post, there are two different ways to count cardinal numbers in Korean; one derived from native Korean and the other from Chinese characters(Sino-Korean). However, the native Korean number system consist only ..

Basic Lessons 2017.02.17

How to count in Korean : Cardinal Numbers in Korean (10 ~ 99) 한국어로 숫자 세는 법 (10부터 99까지)

As I mentioned in earlier post, there are two different ways to count cardinal numbers in Korean; one derived from native Korean and the other from Chinese characters(Sino-Korean). This time, I want to look at numbers from 10 to 100. There are also two different ways to count. Arabic Native Korean System Chinese Character System (Sino-Korean System) 10 열 (yeol) 십 (shib) 11 열하나 (yeol-hahnah) 십일 (..

Basic Lessons 2017.02.16

Samgyeopsal 삼겹살 (Pork belly meat BBQ)

삼겹살은 돼지의 배부위 고기를 가리키는 말입니다. 단어의 직접적인 유래는 잘린 고기의 모습이 세 개의 층으로 보여서 비롯된 것입니다. 그러나 이 단어는 단순히 괴기 부위를 이르는 말로만 쓰이는 것이 아니라 삼겹살 고기구이를 가리키는 말로도 쓰입니다. 삼겹살은 한국에서 아주 대중적이고 인기있습니다. Samgyeopsal refers to pork belly meat; the literal meaning of the word '삼겹살' is 'three layered flesh' followed by the appearance of the cut pork belly meat. However, the word is also used for the BBQ of Samgyeopsal meat, which is v..

with Images/Cuisine 2017.02.16

How to count in Korean : Cardinal Numbers in Korean (0 ~ 10) 한국어로 숫자 세는 법 (0부터 10까지)

Arabic Native Korean System Chinese Character System (Sino-Korean System) 0 영 (young) 1 하나 (hahnah) 일 (eel) 2 둘 (dool) 이 (ee) 3 셋 (seht) 삼 (sahm) 4 넷 (neht) 사 (sah) 5 다섯 (dah-sut) 오 (oh) 6 여섯 (yeo-sut) 육 (yook) 7 일곱 (eel-gob) 칠 (chil) 8 여덟 (yeo-dul) 팔 (pahl) 9 아홉 (ah-hope) 구 (goo) 10 열 (yeol) 십 (shib) 2 different system of cardinal numbers There are 2 different system of cardinal numbers in Kore..

Basic Lessons 2017.02.09

Ssam 쌈 (Korean veggie wraps)

쌈은 하나의 요리 이름이라기 보다는 먹는 방식을 이르는 말입니다. '쌈' 이라는 말은 동사 '싸다' 에서 온 것인데 '안에 있는 내용물을 감싸다' 라는 뜻입니다. 상추와 같은 잎채소 위에 밥이나 고기, 혹은 김치 같은 다른 채소를 올려 감싸먹는 방식으로 신선한 채소를 많이 먹을 수 있어서 건강에 좋아요. It is not a name of a single dish; it 's more like a way of eating. The word 'Ssam' is derived from the verb 'Ssada(싸다)', which means 'to wrap'. On a leafy vegetable such as lettuce, put meat(famous Korean BBQs), steamed rice, ..

with Images/Cuisine 2017.02.08