with Images/Cuisine

Gyeran Mari 계란말이 (Korean rolled omelette)

So young! 2017. 2. 1. 00:55   
계란말이 Gyeran Mari (Korean rolled omelette)
계란말이 Gyeran Mari (Korean rolled omelette)

계란말이는 계란을 말았다라는 뜻입니다. 일본의 다마고야키라는 음식과 비슷하지만, 다마고야키는 달달한 반면에 계란말이는 소금으로짭잘하게 간하고, 보통 안에 다진 채소들 (주로 파나 당근) 이 들어갑니다. 한국인들은 밥반찬으로도 술안주로도 자주 먹습니다.

Gyeran mari means "rolled egg" in Korean. It is similar to Tamagoyaki, Japanese rolled omelette. Gyeran mari is characterized its saltiness seasoned with salt and chopped vegetables (typically spring onions or carrots) in it; while sugar is added in Tamagoyaki. It is often served as both side dish with  steamed rice (Banchan) and side dish with alcohol (Anju).

If you are interested in more information on Gyeran mari , visit here.
You can also see the videos on making one on YouTube.

