Basic Lessons

Money-related Words and Conversation Practice

So young! 2017. 3. 17. 22:18   

Last time, we looked at how to count Korean money and the South Korean currency, won.
This time, let's check out money-related words and practice counting money in Korean.
Here are some basic money-related words in Korean.

English Korean
money 돈 don 
change 거스름돈 geo-seu-reum-don
note, bill 지폐  ji-pye
dollar 달러 dal-leo
coin 동전 dong-jeon
price 가격 ga-gyeog
cash 현금 hyeon-geum
card 카드 ka-deu
to be expensive 비싸다 bi-ssa-da
to be cheap 싸다 ssa-da



And some example sentences in Korean...

Situation 1

□ I would like to exchange my money from use to won.  
- 달러를 원화로 바꾸고 싶은데요.
- dalleoreul wonhwaro bakkugo sipeundeyo.

■ Okay. How much would you like to change?
- 좋아요, 얼마나 바꾸고 싶으신가요?
- joayo, eolmana bakkugo sipeusingayo?

□ I'd like to change three hundred dollars. 
- 삼백 달러를 바꾸고 싶어요.
- sambaek dalleoreul bakkugo sipeoyo.

■ All right, that would be about 340,000won.
- 네, 약 삼십사 만원 정도 되겠네요.
- ne, yak samsipsa manwon jeongdo doegenneyo.

Situation 2

□ How much is this?
- 이거 얼마예요?
- igeo eolmayeyo?

■ It's 70,000won.
- 칠만원입니다.
- chilman wonimnida.

□ That sounds expensive. Is there anything cheaper?
- 비싼 것 같아요. 더 싼 거 없어요?
- bissan geot gatayo. deo ssan geo eopseoyo?

■  How about this one? It's 53,000won.
- 이건 어때요? 이건 오만삼천 원이에요.
- igeon eottaeyo? igeon omansamcheon wonieyo.
