with Images/Cuisine

양념치킨 Yangnyeom chicken (Korean spicy and sweet fried chicken)

So young! 2017. 1. 25. 00:55   
양념치킨 Yangnyeom chicken (Korean spicy and sweet fried chicken)
양념치킨 Yangnyeom chicken (Korean spicy and sweet fried chicken)

한국 사람들은 치킨을 참 좋아합니다. 특히 매콤하고 달콤한 고추장 소스를 뭍힌 양념 치킨은 한국의 독특하면서 인기있는 치킨 요리죠.
다른 한국 요리들과는 달리 치킨은 밥이랑 잘 먹지 않아요. 한국 드라마에서 종종 나오듯이 탄산 음료나 맥주와 먹는 경우가 더 많습니다.

Koreans love fried chicken. Especially Yangnyeon chicken, fried chicken coated in spicy and sweet gochujang-based sauce is both unique and popular chicken dish in Korea.
Unlike many other Korean dishes, Koreans are not usually eating  these fried chickens with steamed rice. We rather have them with soda or beer. (It can be seen quite often on K-dramas.)

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