Basic Lessons

Consonant ㅃ (ssang bieup, pp) - Korean Alphabet Hangeul Pronunciation, Reading, Writing Lesson 한글 자음 쌍비읍

So young! 2019. 2. 26. 12:46   

How to Use this Video   

1. look at the images and listen to what the native speaker says.
2. follow the speaker as loud and clear as you can. (If it's too fast, then check out the settings button on the screen you can slow down the speed.)
3. Download Hangeul Excercise Sheet and write and say the letters and words at the same time.

Korean Alphabet consonant ㅃ

This video is about Korean Alphabet consonant ㅃ ( ssang bieup , 쌍비읍, which sounds similar to p in Spanish. If you are interested in Korean pronunciation or Korean writing system, this video might help. With a native speaker's pronunciations and example words accompanied by descriptive pictures, you can get a grip on how ㅃ is pronounced, written, and used. Please say the letters and words out loud together with me while watching the video and download Hangeul writing sheets below to practice writing what we've covered this time.

The example words on the video are:

물에 빠지다 fall into the water
뼈 bone
예쁘다 pretty
뽀뽀 kiss
뿌리 root
삐뚤다 crooked
빼앗다 steal, take
빨대 straw
빵 bread
뻗다 stretch
뽑다 pull out; select
뿔 horn

Hangeul Writing Practice Sheets

consonant_ssang_bieup_Hangeul_writing practice sheet.pdf

